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CORPO is a small initiative that began with the wish to facilitate a mutually beneficial connection point for different groups of people. CORPO started as part of the Wolphaert1555 association and since March 2024 has moved to De Hillevliet. 

The three central goals of CORPO are:

1: Become a hub for local artists to experiment, collaborate and find new ways of creating inclusive work together.

2: Provide a safe and open space with free activities which can also be moulded to the wishes and needs of residents of the area.

3: Facilitate conversations, creations, and personal exploration into bodily perception for any and all interested.

To work towards the goals, CORPO is creating a program of artist creation weeks with public showings, workshops, and community meetings.

CORPO aims to be a platform for artists to learn how to connect and be inclusive to communities in the neighborhood. The studio is the place to experiment with how to do this. 

We host projects which explore topics related to our bodies in current society and lead activities which invite the neighborhood to join this research at their own pace. 

Building this initiative is also building an active community around the studio. Giving participants the opportunity to shape it into what is needed for the neighborhood. 

This collective research made in the space is freely presented in the hopes of representing bodily diversity and inspiring empathy, conversation, and new art.

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